Brigitte Meyer-Simon Verlag
Brigitte Meyer-Simon Verlag

Welcome to the english part of our website

We are a new publisher and happy beginners...!


Writing and publishing is so exciting. Breaking new ground brings new ideas, freshness and changes to a lot of things.


In our books we try to meet life as it is. With all its complications, fancies, blissful moments.


Whatever the issue may be, we try to voice outright, bluntly, downright.


We want to trigger off contention and argument, making thoughts clearer and allow everybodies ideas, feelings, experiences and emotions to come up.


So, we started with a book of poems "herzströme - LYRIK TRIFFT LEBEN". Poems are compressed life! It's now followed by a wonderful mix of english poems and philosophical commentaries

"powerstation - LYRIC MEETS LIFE"


Next book in progress: reflexions over fidelity and acquisitive desires...


Still hidden in the drawer: more than 500 pages diary written by a young woman between 20 and 25 years of age...


Join us, if you like! We will be happy to be with you on this website and in our published books.


"Powerstation - LYRIC MEETS LIFE" has been published.

Available Hardcover, Softcover, E-Book



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